


可望在今年的CES展上看見更完善的技術。例如,BMW要展示結合智慧手錶、自動駕車科技的「自動倒車入庫技術」;賓士(Mercedes-Benz)也將公佈一款和LG合力打造的新款概念型自動車。另外,2014年分別由蘋果、Google公佈的汽車平台系統CarPlay、Android Auto,也可能看到更多應用。




另外,Sony及LG傳出將在CES展上,發表最新款、具更高解析度的8K電視。LG也將推出使用「量子點」(Quantum Dot)技術的新款4K電視。



智慧型手逐漸暗淡,三星、索尼仍在調整自家產品性能,以便與中國的廉價手機抗衡;聯想去年剛收購Motorola,還在熟悉彼此的產品線;而微軟也正在打造Windows 10手機作業系統, LG的曲面彈性手機LG G Flex 2及索尼的一款「新世界」(New World)Xperia旗艦機種領軍。而在大型手機廠商的缺席下,擁有獨特設計的新興手機廠牌,如YotaPhone 2和Fx0 Firefox phone,也可望攫取展場目光。




英特爾近期就推出一個新平台,使互聯裝置以及雲端間有更安全、方便的連接。 蘋果自家的HomeKit平台可望在CES中開花結果,有更多公司將展示支援HomeKit的各式智慧家居產品。

三星收購SmartThings後,也極力打造智慧家居平台; 谷歌推Works With Nest計畫;高通也主導AllSeen Alliance和AllJoyn平台。





1. Solar-Powered Activity Trackers

Talk about an opportunity for startups. Last year, I noted how there is a massive untapped market for companies to make gadgets specifically geared for women. It's a sad fact that many gadgets have a masculine look. Misfit, a cool Silicon Valley startup, announced today the new Swarovski Shine (no link yet), which is an activity and sleep tracker for women. The crystal necklace is not a cheap token, and the best feature for the violet jewel version is that it never needs charging--it draws power from the sun. It's the first "no charging" activity tracker. And, a sign of things to come--no more constant charging.


2. Smarthomes Without the Fuss

One early trend I'm seeing is that companies want to make the smarthome even smarter. Today, the technology tends to be a little complicated for the masses. D-Linkshowed how they have an entire strategy for the smarthome built around easier configuration and more obvious technology enhancements--light switches, cameras, and sensors that use the more common Wi-Fi standard most people know instead of Zigbee, which requires that each device in the home make a peer-to-peer connection and maintain that connection. The new SmartPlug DSP-W110 that controls lamps is a sign of things to come.


3. FIFO video recording

I already learned a new acronym at CES, although it's been around a while. D-Link also showed off a new security camera, the DCS-935L (no link yet), that uses FIFO (first in, first out) recording. It's pretty simple. In an office setting, you might use a high-end camera that records any activity over a 24-hour period, but you'll pay a monthly fee for the privilege. With the new camera, you can record ten clips per day for free. Each day, it starts over and replaces the "first" clip (and keeps clips two through ten). The trend here is lower cost video security and a larger trend of using tech innovations to cut costs.


4. Souped-Up Video Chat

I wasn't sure what to think of Personify at first. It's a startup that makes an alternative to Skype video chat. A talking head outline appears as an overlay on the screen, almost like you are giving a weather report in front of a green screen. You can have as many as ten people chatting, and the background is removed automatically. That means, you can wear a suit or a dress but tap into a videoconference from the beach. The trend is in figuring out how to make people connect over computers in a smoother, easier way.








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